APREF’s Special Edition


RC Questionnaire

Find out more about APREF’s third-party liability questionnaire, which we are convinced will gradually increase reinsurers’ overall level of knowledge and give them greater control over third-party liability risk, enabling them to adapt their pricing to each company.


Alternative reinsurance

In this new ‘special edition’ video from APREF, we aim to explain the ‘alternative reinsurance’ market in simple terms by clarifying its scope and detailing the different solutions on offer.
Our aim is also to use this video to promote the Paris market as a credible issuing alternative, on a par with the Anglo-Saxon and Asian markets.


Story Board for young graduates

The aim of this video is to present and promote Reinsurance and its business lines, with a view to attracting new talent.


Arbitration in reinsurance

In this video, we take a look at arbitration, the main method of settling disputes between insurers and their reinsurers.


The Run-Off professions

In this video about the Run-Off business, you’ll find answers about how it works, why it’s useful and the current state of the market.


Automotive Questionnaire - Did you say claims information?

In this final episode of our series on the Automotive Questionnaire, we focus on the importance of claims data and the progress that needs to be made in this area, both in terms of quality and quantity.


Automotive Questionnaire - Did you say portfolio data?

After Episode 1 on the rationale of the automotive questionnaire, this new episode explains the necessity to provide detail information of the portfolio covered by the reinsurance treaty.


Automotive Questionnaire - What's the point?

With this short animation, the APREF reaffirms its intent to progressively implement an automotive questionnaire in the French market. It briefly explains the reasons why such an implementation is in the interest of all.


Lemoine Law

In this video, Apref takes a stance on the Lemoine’s Law (February 22, 2022). It explains the main changes it implies for loan insurance and the problems it will generate for the latter. It also presents the impacts of this new law for reinsurers and explains how they can contribute to its implementation.


Le risque Cyber

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