EIOPA report on the 5th Quantitative Impact Study 5 (QIS5) for Solvency II.

Solvency II is a regulatory project that provides a risk-based, economic-based and principle-based framework for the supervision of (re)insurance undertakings. It acknowledges the main characteristics of the (re)insurance sector by building upon them. In Solvency II, capital requirements will be determined on the basis of the risk profile of undertakings, as well as on the […]

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NEWWatch the first part of the apref interviews on reinsurance brokerage!Watch the videoFind out more about the CAT Commission’s missions and objectives from Arthur DUTEL !Watch the videoFind out more about the importance of the Apref Communications Committee !Watch the video Reinsurance, keystone of the insurance system Reinsurers business is protecting insurers against unexpected frequency […]

Matinale de L’Apref – La grêle, un péril secondaire ?

En 2022, les éléments se sont déchaînés en France. L’année a été marquée par des feux de forêts, d’une sécheresse historique et de grêles rarement observées auparavant. France Assureurs a chiffré la charge assurée des évènements naturels à 10Md€ pour l’année 2022. C’est l’année la plus coûteuse juste derrière 1999, depuis 1982 démarrage du suivi […]